The Parent-Student Relationship In College Searches
Navigating the college admissions process is one of the most stressful experiences that a parent and child will share together. As seen in the infographic accompanying this post, 74% of parents and students will report high or very high levels of stress throughout the search process. Understanding this, it’s important for both parents and students to take necessary action to mitigate stress. For parents, this could look like keeping a schedule for their children that includes gentle reminders of deadlines for applications or required essays to submit. For students, this could mean actively learning through college fairs rather than allowing counselors or teachers to do the research for them. Stress management throughout this process is imperative, as it will contribute greatly to making the right decision when it comes time to enroll. Read on to the resource featured to learn more.
The Parent-Student Relationship In College Searches for more information on the college search process, be sure to check out the Encourage App
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